Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I was going to...

...write a book review for Needful Things by Stephen King. So here it is...

Its ok. Well paced but some of the timeline is a little spotty. I like how he handled the fighting and the action. I was uninterested in the characterization of the male and female protagonist and I wasn't wild about the ending. Still it was a page turner and I like quite a few of the side characters. I'll probably talk some more about Stephen King later.

In the mean time I love how the networks are putting all their shows online now. I'm watching Ugly Betty. Its a good show to have on while you're doing other stuff. I also like the social comments it tends to make (though somewhat lamely).

Also I have a whole bunch of books coming from Amazon that I'm very excited about including the King in Yellow. I'm thinking about writing a script that would be sort of a spin/parody of the King in Yellow.


J*E*F^2 said...

I don't know what King in Yellow is.

Your description of Needfull Things pretty much works for every King novel written. I've read a ton of 'em, and thats how they all work. Except the Stand had interesting main characters, but made up for it with a terrible ending.

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

King wrote a whole book on how he writes books the gist of which is this, "I don't plan anything! I come up with a theme and think about when I write!" And I think it explains a lot. You get the very serious impression that he's an incredible talent not trying very hard. His earlier work may have also been influenced by his drinking problems.

As for the King in Yellow its a horror novel from 1895 and its supposed to be pretty tight. Its actually more like a novella with short stories all linked by this play about and called The King In Yellow, and anybody who reads it goes slowly crazy.