Monday, March 26, 2007

Done Got Stoled

Hey ya!

So on S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night! Let's Go!, I was enjoying a nice relaxing night out at a Decemberists concert. When I came back my roommate and I noticed the chain to my door was attached, which was odd, because it meant someone had put the chain on but we were both out. So after we got the chain off and opened the door we turned on the lights to notice that someone had done gone broken in. WTF Mate! The perps (I've been watching a lot of HBO's hit show The Wire and they use that word) had crow bared our side window open and ripped the hinges off the window. They then climbed in and gently moved a few things around. Stole the following items that are near and dear to my heart... My Ipod, Digital Camera (sorry Scott that had all the pics from your engagement party on them) Computer (that had over 40gigs of muzak), Xbox 3hundred and Sixty with the game MLB 2K7 (I had a sick team). My roommates Ipod and his backpack (we are guessing they needed to carry all the stuff so they took that).

So that's neat.

Also, I saw the Oscar nominated "Blood Diamond" and now want some.


The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Sweet Gay Jesus! That's terrible!

Math fab Mathonwy said...

Dude, sympathies.

I also did your mom in the butt that night so add that to your list of woes.

Seriously though, I think the universe is trying to tell you something about your unheathly, burglar-attracting obsession with the Decemberists.

Sucks about that backpack though. Was it a Jansport?

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

I think it was the damn opera singer.

J*E*F^2 said...

The good news is Matt had already stolen Chu's heart, so those bastards couldn't get that, too.

I doubt his MLB 2K7 team was any good. I hear he drafted Ken Griffey Jr and Gary Mathews Jr and that person dressed like a sausage who runs races at the Brewers games and got hit by a bat.

Chu, you need to get another xbox three hundred and sixty thousand... how else will I get to play Guitar Hero?