Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I don't know how to draw on my computer, but I made paper drawings of the bannerz. I don't have a camera, so I can only tell you about them.

The first has the heading ourblogisdifferent.com, and then in caps HEEL THESE WOUNDED (and then a drawning of a heart with an 's' next to it).

The second has lightning bolt coming down that takes up the left half of the banner hitting (and sending sparks from) a big sword that a knight is swinging to hit a dragon that has a big black tail and also is snorting smoke. The caption reads "Send your lightning asunder!" and in the bottom left is the heading ourblogisdifferent.com.

1 comment:

J*E*F^2 said...

I am literally shaking with anticipation to see these. I think I'm losing hair... If you come back to MA bring em and I'll scan em.