Tuesday, September 25, 2007

There are two reasons, really...

From CNN.com, headline reads, 'Why is the GOP scared of black voters?'

Well, Mr. Martin, its not so much that the GOP is scared of black voters as it is the GOP is scared of black people. Now it just so happens that all black voters are black people, so I can see where you made your mistake. Perhaps Matt could assist us with some sort of Venn diagram to illustrate that for us. In the mean time though allow me to answer your question.

You see, Mr. Martin, there are really two kinds of people who make up the majority of the Republican party. The first type is the woefully uneducated, Southern, redneck. Voting for the republican party consistently hurts them financially but they do it anyway because they love (in no particular order) 1) Guns 2) Jesus Christ. Black people did not make it onto that list. For some this is because they fear that black men will miscegenate with their women. For others it is because they fear black people will make good, valid arguments about the injustices/discrimination that they (black people) face and this will force the GOP to erode the one thing that poor, southern, redneck republicans take pride in; they're not black (that's really at the heart of all those silly flags).

The other is the rich, wealthy, millionaire/billionaire/trillionaire/quintillionaire etc. republican. They're afraid of black people mostly because they've never met any (although I understand that they once heard that their butler's butler's butler's chauffeur is black, and that he's alright.)

In all seriousness, the article isn't that bad. Little bit of history. Couple of interesting anecdotes. But really, c'mon. The Republican party has built itself on protecting the 2nd amendment, limiting the other amendments and some how getting the heartland to concentrate on social issues before practical ones.

So just out of curiosity, who's voting for who? I like Richardson, but as he's lagging, I may be inclined to vote for Obama.


Math fab Mathonwy said...


Math fab Mathonwy said...

No that doesn't work. You get the idea.

Math fab Mathonwy said...
