Sunday, September 9, 2007

W, or Obsession (Swastika).

W is heartbreakingly Germanic;
It comes to the French via Nazism.
W to Vs, must be done over with;
It is desperation through its utmost.

W closes windows and does not open them,
It is too two many tos;
Like the willow-tree or the wombat.

It is the letter W, double U, on the eve.
Standing over W, between copula.
For it is the letter W, hauntingly beautiful.
For as consonant as well as vocal.

In nocturnal marriage W had made GU.
We have Guillaume, Guillaume Tell,
Who shot an apple off a head?

William swiftly sauntered:

"A heart which would heal
For make an M
Must wont stand on its heels

(and not on its head).

Will you do without punctuation
When I say remember
How to love