Thursday, September 13, 2007

Unholy: An Ethical Decision.

I have an ethical decision I need to make and could use a little help. A good friend of mine from college directed a movie that I told him I'd review on Here's the thing, though my buddy did a good job on his end of things, (well edited, reasonably well acted, reasonably good bang for the buck, and over all, I'd say its got an excellent visual style) at the end of the day the movie pretty much sucks. Its convulated, the dialogue is lousy and to be frank the whole thing is extremely limited by its budget. And the ending is a twist of Shaylamalomian porportions in both disappointment and retardedness. So what do I do? Honest review? Pandering?


Hey Jealousy said...

Say all of those good things and just say "the story sucked but visually blah blah blah I'm totally ghey 4 you friend from college. <3<3<3 xOxoXOXOXOXOX Scooter Kline"

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...


your friend ashley said...

Option #3: don't write the review.

your friend ashley said...

hey mat, option #4: don't use my goddamn blogger name. WE'RE NOT THE SAME PERSON. christ.

Hey Jealousy said...

This is all a house of LIEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!! Mat is Ash and Ash is Mat and Scott is now ghey for his friend!?!?!?! WOW!

J*E*F^2 said...

Is one incredibly biased review going to put that entire site's reputation in the gutter? I doubt it.

Just do like Citizen Kane's friend who wrote that glowing review of Kane's wife's opera even though he hated it and then never talked to Kane again. For a movie buff, you're pretty not good at movies.