Tuesday, September 25, 2007

At a glance an incredibly obvious statement...

Again from BBC News: 'Paedophiles' brains 'different''

This just in; They're sexual appetites are also unhealthy! Doesn't this seem a fairly obvious statement? Of course I've always been a strong nature proponent, I suppose if you thought teletubbies could turn you gay this might be a more startling revelation. Some excerts with comments...

A Yale University team found activity in parts of paedophiles' brains were lower than in other volunteers when shown adult, erotic material. Matt, careful walking around campus at night.

A forensic psychologist from the UK said drug treatments for paedophilia might be possible. Hold on a second here guys, my paedophilia's acting up again. Alright, time to coach some little league. Um, is this really something we want to be treating? I suppose it is but imagine how embarrassing it would be to fill that prescription, I would think the chance of a lapse would be huge. Of course I have no suggestion for a better solution.

In a few cases, patients with a brain tumour in a particular part of the brain have developed such feelings, only for them to go away when the tumour was removed. Wow, talk about a being delt a shitty hand. Well, it looks like you have a brain tumer, Mr. Stevens, we're going to need to remove that in a highly invasive surgery. In the meantime try not fuck any kids.

And then there's this... "Our results may thus be seen as the first step towards establishing a neurobiology of paedophilia which ultimately may contribute to the development of new and effective means of therapies for this debilitating disorder." Listen, arthritis is a debilitating disorder. Raping children is a shade or two more troubling.


The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Thought a link would be nice.


And from this link there are these two other insightful headlines, 'Sex criminals 'have brain defects' and 'Psychopaths' brains 'different'' Thank you, BBC Health, keep us posted!

your friend ashley said...

Not mean enough!