Sunday, December 23, 2007

Matt, Get with the Projam!

E period, study was spent with Matt Landry working on the projam, which we started on Monday and no isn't a type-o. The projam teaches you how to critique a booty, how to pick up hootch, what to do with hootch and how to critique a movie. It even has art by Brian Des.

And a glorious reference to a conversation once had with Ashley.

We also went to a book store, Willow Books, American Video, and uhhh James Comics though we didn't get aps, I got the druids handbook. We had the BBT the extra b is for big so it was the big big talk, we also watched Glory Daze and Evil Dead 2 and talked online at length convincing Ash that Ninjas had stoped a drug deal in Westford and stuff it was funny.

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