Thursday, August 9, 2007

New Haven/Yale

Matt & Ashley,

I need everything you got. Places to go, things to do... hang out spots. Slummy streets... local news papers' names, school newspapers name, humor magazines, aspects of towny culture vs. yalie culture. Note worthy buildings... area legends (if any). Everything you got, I need it.

Student bar? What's the campus money called? How do your students dress? Unusual homeless people that are always around town...

I want to set the new project there. Lay it on me, everything helps.

Oh, Secret Society names. Anything I could read up on...


Math fab Mathonwy said...

Yo, we'll get that to you asap, but probably after this move. You should come take a tour sometime.

I do know that Wikipedia has a lot of general info and info on the secret societies.

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

That is a brilliant Idea, I should do that maybe early next month

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Any chance you could get me into my family's biology tower?

Math fab Mathonwy said...

Yeah, I bet we could get in.

Old Greg said...

scott what you fail to realize is that mat doesn't know any of those things about yale. For in order to gather that kind of information, one would have to venture into society and interact with other people. we are talking about mat "is brunch like a thing people do? is this what people do at brunch?" landry. he is really good at playing with kitty though... soooo he's got that going for him.

your friend ashley said...

which is nice.