Monday, June 9, 2008


So I'm thinking of launching a website with the intention of it becoming popular and making money (even if just a few bucks from google ads). I'm thinking that it will be sort of like except with a focus on media (TV, Comics, Movies, Music, video games) as well as, well anything we think is freaking sweet (though in my mind I'd like it to have a distinct cool-dork leaning).

Would you guys be willing to help? If you're not familiar check out, really wouldn't be much work at all to run and if we get it to catch on maybe we make a few bucks.

Anyway, take a look and then lets talk about it.


Matt said...

Yes. I could write: Music/movie/TV reviews. Editorials/retrospectives, I think music mixes are a good idea too.

Ginny said...

OK, then that settles it. I'm going to buy the domain name and as soon as Ginny and my wedding stuff calms down we'll launch. In the mean time anything you've already written for this site or just in general set it to one side. Anything you've been reading that you like, save the bookmark.

Ginny said...

apparently I am Ginny. Interesting.

Matt said...

I just looked at I had never seen it. I never read articles online, so I wouldn't be able to help there I'd certainly write something.

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Excellent! Yeah it doesn't have to be exactly like Fark but I do want a similar design and interface. Something anyone can easily scan and then if the one sentance intro interests them read on.