Friday, April 6, 2007

love games?

Good news everyone. Dan is back on the ol' blog! This time I am Old Greg and I am all about playing love games. Will explain more later in future posts of deliciousness. For now I just want you all to know that I would be happy to show you my downstairs mix-up and thus fall in love at any time. I need a lesson on adding videos, images, and spunk to my blogs so I am hoping to connect in a real and meaningful way with jeff, sco klin, notapenis, or bi chu in the most near future.

Remember that time Ashley Ratchford wore that fucking shirt?


The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Scoklin is officially a possible first name for my son.

Math fab Mathonwy said...

Dan, what about the boat times?

Scott, is that an announcement or a hope...?

Ashley, remember that time you wore that fucking shirt?

Hey Jealousy said...

Scott you got the preggerz?

Oh god THAT shirt!

J*E*F^2 said...

You don't mean... THAT shirt, do you? Cuz I could never forget THAT.

What the hell is a boat time?