Sunday, April 8, 2007

Gentlemen Cat On the Prowl

Before reading this post download the following mp3, load it up, hit play, and then start reading the rest of this post again. Its okay, I'll wait.

Wax Stag - Short Road.mp3

Welcome back and Happy Easter! Hell, thats worth at least a few more exclamation points, so !!!!!!!

I'm making dinner for my parents and Amber's family tonight. The main course is going to be rack of lamb. I had to settle for lamb when the butcher said he didn't have anything cuter than that. No dolphin, no koala bear, no red kangaroo, nothing. So needless to say I won't be going there again.

While looking for an appropriate picture to post (you can't beat a gentlemen cat greeting two hawt chicks!!) I discovered that some people don't like Easter. Specifically the Jesus part of it. Though they seemed wary of plastic eggs and chocolate also. They didn't seem to mind that people eat lamb, so I can still enjoy that. And maybe you can enjoy it too, but you can't have any of mine. I've got a full house already!!!

Get excited for my Spring mix-tape I'm going to post sometime soon. I've been working hard on it, and as the song you're listening to now shows, I have awesome taste in stuff.

Matt's Reading post from Thursday now has the accompanying song. Chu smells bad. Dan is RED HOT. Kline is pregnant? Gutter is a tool.

You should probably be looking around your place right now because I hid eggs!!! Keep the music playing while you search. It will help.

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