Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Good Gracious Ass Is Bodacious

So I stumbled upon this greatness and I threw up on my keyboard. Screw pulled pork we are making this bastard child of doom!!!!!

Expect this to be on the prefix menu at Le Bernadine. I imagine an earthy chianti would go well with it.

The gun is obviously used to protect this delicious meal from the rest of the world. Everyone wants it!!!!

Edit: So I tried uploading these frakking pictures like 4 times and can't so just click on the link.


J*E*F^2 said...

Good picture loading, champ. Whatever it is you meant to show us I think Scott should eat it first.

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Nice use of the word 'frakking' looks like we got a closet BSG fan on our hands!

Hey Jealousy said...

i thought thats what they said in 30 Rock? Frig am I nerd even though I've never seen BSG?