Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It was Chu's B-day yesterday and thus it is the aniversary of the time we got him that sweet 'I made out with my BU Interviewer.' shirt.

In this day in history, a lot of important things happened. Uh, this was the day Mary was allowed to take Jesus home from the manger. Uh, an important event in peace between two nations and/or peoples was also realized on this date, perhaps. And potentially a third thing.

For Chu's birthday I brought one of his favorite television shows from when he was a small boy back on the air. American Gladiators. We used to play American Gladiators in his basement. Mainly we shot each other with Nerf weapons and tossed tenis balls around until we were yelled at/asked who was there by Mr. Chu.

Happy B-day (four and half hours late) birthday, Chuey!


Hey Jealousy said...

Thanks dawg. I'm old and learned it from watching you!

J*E*F^2 said...

For Chu's belated birthday, I'm getting him something he doesn't already have tons of. And thats hard alcohol. I'll also give him a stack of one dollar bills so that there will be at least trace ammounts of cocaine on one of his gifts this year.

Math fab Mathonwy said...

Chu jeezy! Happy birthday!

PS Being 26 is so not cool right now. But will be soon.