Tuesday, January 22, 2008

the way things are going

so, as you guys can plainly see, matt's just plain out of control. he actually painted his laptop to say "i <3 ashley.' i mean, he just got this thing, and he defaces it with paint just to proclaim his love for me every time he's in starbucks, sipping a soy late and wearing glasses. the ladies will know that this is a man who is taken. i didn't ask matt to do this, and frankly i think it's kind of weird (i.e. creepy) of him to do that to his brand new laptop computer. but whatever, love makes us do crazy shit, amiright? i just wanted to let you guys know what was going on with us, keep you in the proverbial loop if you will (and i think you will!).

god i'm great with punctuation.

also, i'd like to point out that blogger is now available in three new languages: arabic, hebrew and persian, which means one thing: even MORE blogs by terrorists! watch out guys (really) and safe clicking!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woah, those are some kicks, huh?

What kind of laptop? Is that a mac book pro I spy?

I love pictures, and commenting even when I have next to nothing to say.

So how about that sport team that nobody else follows except for Chu?