Thursday, January 10, 2008

I read books.

I read her book after seeing her on, I think, the Colbert Report. I read a lot of books from the authors that Colbert and Stewart interview. Her name is Naomi Wolf and her book is really interesting. She's almost ludicrously anti-Bush, the basic idea of the book is that his government has been following many of the same steps that the dictators of the past used to close down democracies. Its terrifying and fascinating and underscores that democracy is a delicate thing. Here's a video of her speaking to college students.

Oh and if you're planning on voting republican I encourage you to vote for McCain. IF you're planning on voting democrat I have no advice. I've got a mixed feeling about the democratic field.


J*E*F^2 said...

Scott, I'll be voting for whichever of McCain or Romney seem most likely to win the Republican party nomination come Feb 5th.

I think people should research the candidates platforms on issues important to them instead of listening to a vampire. Eat my democracy, Kline!

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

For me Torture, Secret Prisons and Blackwater are the biggest issues. McCain's the only Republican who doesn't support them and their use. I have no real idea what Romney's other issues are but I know that he's stated he'd double the number of enemy combatants we detain. I understand that's probably just tough talk rhetoric, but its also terrifying.