Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I've got a Golden Ticket...

So Ginny and I went to the premier for the trailer of 'The Golden Compass' which is the first of a wonderful trilogy of books that is being adapted to the big screen. It was Rockefeller center and their was free ice skating. It wasn't a very nice day out so I wanted to blow it off but Ginny insisted and we went. We stood around for a while then went ice skating. Sam Elliott was there (the cowboy in the Big Lebowski, the Malboro Man in Thank You For Smoking) and almost immediately before the trailer it started raining pretty hard. Still we stuck around. The trailer made the movie look promising and it was a very good night.

While we were getting our skates Ginny commented that she really wanted to win the raffle they were having. I looked around and did some quick figuring in my head and guessed that we probably had a 1 in 50 chance of winning. There was a low turnout due to the weather, a lot of the people there were employees of New Line and ineligible and you had to be there for the drawing to win. Further it seemed like only the people ice skating had accesses to enter. So 1 in 50, not bad odds.

Anyway Sam Elliott draws the ticket out and he has trouble reading the name. The MC says the person must have bad handwriting and Ginny says, 'Shoot, I have good handwriting,' I whispered to her, 'Well, yeah or it could be a funny name.' Sure enough a moment later Sam Elliott announces the winner 'Guhnelly Ligon'

Gin gets a hug from Sam I shake his hand and we're off to go find out about the price. Two round-trip tickets to London, hotel accommodations and two tickets to the premier. All in all, it was a pretty good Tuesday.


your friend ashley said...

!!! fuck. now i know i totally should have gone. i'm so glad you guys won all that shit! i want details!

Unknown said...

pretty good day? I guess so. If you like England and free shit, I suppose.

Hot damn is that kewl.