Friday, November 19, 2010

formal announcement

i just started a tumblr about the foods me and matt make and the music we listen to while making said foods. you are all welcome to submit. in fact, you are expressly invited. just use the 'submit' button at the top of the page.


J*E*F^2 said...

Cross-posted at me ask me ask me:

I want to comment on the meal you made! How do I do it? And I want to hear the song so I can imagine eating food and not have to imagine listening to music. Thats one imagination TOO FAR!!!! AGHH!!!

-Jeffery John Hamalainen Esq., Gentleman

PS. Chateaubriand? Hoity toity! And derlicicous!

your friend ashley said...

cross answered:

you just did!

as for hearing the song, that is way beyond my capabilities, plus i mainly listen to records/tapes, ya know? the whole analog thing is my jam? unlock the doors to your imagination, or just go buy the record.

thanks for checking this ish out!


it was on super sale at whole foods and we made 4 meals out of it, so i didn’t feel bad. and yes, it WAS derlicious!