Thursday, November 18, 2010


Mitt Romeny...

drinks caffeine!

Yes, it's true. The second most powerful Mormon I work for ordered a diet Pepsi from roomservice today. I have the proof right here in my hands(Nightly Incident Detail List). And I'm going to tell everyone unless he pays me...

*Footnote: I will not be blackmailing Mitt Romeny.


J*E*F^2 said...

Um... Mormon's can drink caffeine as far as I know. It's not really in keeping with the spirit of the rule (no coffee or tea or booze), but it's not forbidden. Amber's dad is a Coca-Cola nut.

I like the expression "Gorillion Dollars". It sounds like a lot, but not TOO much. You don't want to sound greedy when making demands, ya know? It also sounds dangerous, which I like.

Who's the MOST powerful Mormon you work for?

Hotboots said...

I think mormon purists would argue that all caffeine is off limits. The original doctrine forbids hot beverages, specifically coffee and tea, which were the only caffeinated beverages of the time. Mormonism confuses me, but it makes more sense to me that John Smith would have had a bigger problem with caffeine than the actual temperature of beverages. In conclusion, blackmail sounds right here.

I completely agree with Jeff's Gorillion sound off.

your friend ashley said...

he also drinks the blood of infants, which i'm pretty sure is against mormon doctrine.

scott,i think you know why i am loving this gorillion dollars business. good work.

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Guys, I don't know if you know this, but I was just taking a piss.

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Oh and Mr. Marriott is the most powerful. Not in absolute terms, but relative to me as Marriott employee, he's top dog.

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Yup, Ash, I thought of you cracking up my kitchen when I saw that.