Monday, March 23, 2009

Photo Tour Through Europe Pt 1

Rather belatedly I'm going to take you on a virtual tour of Europe through the medium of photography! First stop Paris.

The first thing you should know about Paris is that it's actually in France and not a country unto itself. After that initial shock, and the secondary shock of finding yourself in America's #1 enemy's homeland, you realize that its actually quite lovely. There is all sorts of wine and food and wine and cheese and wine and it's lovely. Even the the street food is classy.

On a rainy Thursday morning Amber and I went to the Louvre along with all of Asia. If I had a nickel for every Asian getting their picture taken in front of (and almost completely obscuring) a piece of art while showing a peace sign, why I'd have like enough to buy all of the tea in China.* While getting lost in the Richlieu wing, we found the elusive ghost of the Louvre. Some say it's the ghost of Louis XVI, but those people need to grow up. It's obviously the Ghost of Christmas Past.

President Obama gave us street cred wherever we went. It was as if he bestowed upon us a halo and golden tooth and giant clock necklace. Every Parisian we had the pleasure of meeting was friendly and helpful. Only later did we realize this joviality was a ruse designed to make us lower our guard. The moral of the story: the French will take intentionally blurry photos.

A trip to the Musee D'Orsay inspired me to experiment with impressionism and more modern representations of objects. This picture, taken from my Dreams on the Seine series, is titled "Dude at the Tip of Isle De La Cite".

Well, I hope you feel like you experienced Paris firsthand. Join me soon for a further entry into my acclaimed photo-journalism blog, OurPhotoJournalismBlogIsDifferent.

* For more hilarious comments about Asians look for the forthcoming Spanish leg of my journey.


Hey Jealousy said...

I feel like I was there! Great times had by all!!

P.S. stop working on the weekends and take more trips for real.

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

Jeff, apparently there's a point of confussion that needs to be clarified for you, it's 'everybody's working *FOR* the weekend,' not *on* it. Hope that helps.