Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yup...This is America

What else screams America like: Scotch Pancake Nachos

It all starts with a regular pancake. Then a pile of battered tortilla chips is affixed to the flapjack with the help of a housemade tequila cream cheese. And upon this is dropped a trifecta of chorizo-applewood bacon, blood-orange salsa and spicy Guadalajara butter-scrambled eggs.

And since we're talking pancakes here, all of this receives a generous bath of maple syrup and maple-infused Macallan Scotch.

Only in Amreekah can dreams like this come true!


J*E*F^2 said...

What the fuck is this?

Hey Jealousy said...

It's a real live food you can order from some place in boston. It is probably one of the most redonkulous things I've ever heard. Pancake nachos? WTF Mate!