Monday, November 24, 2008

CD Party 2008 - An Email Reiteration


You should all know the gist of this by now, but I'll elaborate for great justice! The end of the year is fast approaching and the weather grows cold. Yet our musical desire burns with intense heat! Come and be festive. We will dance to feline songs while drinking from small, wooden cups off of shark plate.

That's right, its the end of the year CD Party where we show off our impeccable taste in music and list making. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a CD with your 20 favorite songs of 2008. The songs can be all singles released in 2008 if you're me (which doesn't make sense), or it can have any songs released in 2008, or it can just be 20 songs you listened to and really liked in 2008. Equal opportunity music snobs is our motto. Track 1 of the cd should be song 20 (or the least of the 20 songs) and end at song 1 (the best comes last to generate suspense). Otherwise, the rest of the CD is up to you, but I do hope we get less CDs from a ziplock bag this time around.

If you're coming with a CD, let me know by December 10th so I can let everybody know how many CDs they need to bring. If you, or anyone I forgot/you want to bring, want come without bringing music, there's really no deadline to RSVP.

As to the actual date and time of the shindig, its Saturday December 20th at 7. Its at my place. Bring beers, and foods, and smiles.
