Thursday, June 26, 2008

I think I still owe Jeff a six pack...

So here's the bet: Hand gun deaths in Washington DC during the year 2009 -- I'm setting the over/under at 160. I'll take the over against all comers (who contribute to the blog).

Six pack of beer, winner chooses brand provided I can buy it at a store (no weird international special orders.)


J*E*F^2 said...

According to statistics found on the internet and some back of the envelope calculations it seems like there were around 180 deaths to hand guns in 2006 in DC. At best, it was already 160. As a matter of fact, this great area already was leading all other states in hand gun deaths per 100K. I'm pretty sure the death tolls won't budge one bit, since most of the illegal guns in the country already came from Virginia, not exactly far from DC, ya know?

J*E*F^2 said...

Oh, and you do owe me a six pack. I told you nothing was going to happen to Barry in 2007. Or was it 2006? Either way, I was right. Speaking of which, I willing to go for another six pack that he won't be convicted of perjury. Ever.

Hey Jealousy said...

Hey scooter, what are you doing for the 4th? ya want a visitor? aka me or I'll just tell some homeless guy to show up at your place

The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

I think '06 was 145...

I'd love to have a visitor, let me confer with my other half- but I'm gonna go a head and say yes- as her other idea- camping- is not one that appeals very strongly to me. (I like camping but now that I'm a vampire spending twelve hours awake in the woods in the dark while everyone else sleeps... not high on my to do list.

Matt said...