Thursday, April 24, 2008

gang wars

matt and i are in westford at matt's mama's house. the suburbs have ruled so far, except for last night at kimballs when we got hassled by some teens who were irate that matt and i had joined tina in her ( we thought faster) line (a.k.a "cutting"). at one point they were nearly touching me with their gross pimply underdeveloped band t-shirt clad shoulders and i think one of the girls might have fought me had i given her the Stink Eye. but i didn't. i kept cool and ordered a delicious coffee oreo kiddie-sized (what a gross name!) sugar cone and chatted with matt and tina. and then i shoulder checked one of the kids as we walked away. loud little asshole.


The Missed Call Of Cthulhu said...

I'm not kidding when I say that I hate the vast majority of people younger than me.
Come to think of it, I'm not wild about a lot of people older than me either.
Further, I suppose the argument could be made that I don't, generally speaking, like people.

J*E*F^2 said...

Kids these days just aren't as willing to fight anymore. I'm sorry for you. I'm sure a good fight would have made the evening. And you could slow any swelling with ice cream!!!