Tuesday, May 26, 2009

While You Wait for Others

Sooo how was everyone's long weekend of fun?

I have two stories but due to the fact I am tired I am just gonna post the first one, so here we go:

So my sister was out meeting up with some friends for brunch and my brosef in law decided to wait for her down on Newbury street. So he is outside chilling eating a sangwich and reading a book at the Starbucks across from Nike town. While he is sitting there some guy comes up behind him and starts yellin' and hollerin' saying something to the effect of "What the (expletive) did you say?" So he just ignores the guy thinking he is not talking to him when out of nowhere the guy punches my brosef in law in the face, causing him to fall off his chair and knock over the table. All this is happening on a busy street! Newbury Street! What? So the random guy walks away doesn't even run just walks away and my bro in law asks the crowd for someone to call the cops, which I guess no one does/did. So he has to stand there in a crowd of people that didn't do shit while he waits for the cops and gives a statement. I guess it is good he didn't run after the guy, but the whole scenario is random and really fuct.

OK story time is over so I leave you with these songs:

Grizzly Bear - While You Wait For Others
Discovery - Orange Shirt
DJ Class ft Kanye West and Estelle - I'm the Shit
Chiddy Bang - Kids

If these links don't work and you reeeeeaaallllyyy want the songs I can email em to you.

Coming tomorrow or Thursday a new blog entry about another adventure in babysitting.

stay illy in philly

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