Sunday, October 19, 2008

of Montreal Skeletal Lamping

I decided to order the new of Montreal album on vinyl. It was pretty expensive ($27 with shipping), but it was a double album (in vinyl format), came with a bunch of cool shit (see below), got here early (it doesn't come out until Tuesday), and had a code to download the album online. I'll put it up in the ASAP for your listening pleasure.

(NB: this is not our house. And the album only came with the horse and two stickers, a little poster and an airhead)


J*E*F^2 said...

You are a vinyl collecting maniac.

I think more physical music containers should come with free electronic copies and airheads. I often get low-blood sugar trying to steal music I already own.

Of Course the Fish Are Dead said...

I have had this album for a few weeks, and wanted to send you and ash a copy because IT'S INCREDIBLE AND I LOVE IT. but we just got it on vinyl, and I'm kind of glad i didn't send it to you, so you have that special joy.
kevin barnes is my hero dot com