Started a little over a week ago. Sept 11th's always rough around here. I got my annual call from an Australian radio show wanting to ask me what it was like to go through 9-11 and what's it like to live in New York now.
The following morning I talked to my and we wound up getting a big fight. She said a lot of bat-shit crazy stuff. I called her on it. We yelled. We didn't speak for a week. Then when I called recently it felt strange and wrong. Like we shouldn't talk.
Ginny and I can't seem to get our shit together to write thank yous. I'm not sure why. I had it all planned out- but instead I've written maybe five total. I feel like a shit, but when I look at them I just want to do anything else. I'm not sure why.
I'm worried that America and the rest of the world too is getting dumber. Everywhere I look it seems like a little bit more of science has eroded away and what was once fact known to everyone now needs to be defended from irrational philistines. Sarah Palin's not helping on this score. I'd love for McCain to come out and say just one thing that would set me at ease and wouldn't concede anything politically- just one thing like- 'I, Senator John McCain, accept that age of the Earth is best measured in billions of years. That man and dinosaur never coexisted (although that would have been cool) and, of course, that the world is globular.' Its a sad state of affairs when I'd really like an American to say such basic things.
Ah well. Could be worse. Could be Huckabee/Palin.
And did any of you read this? The NY Sun is a crazy right wing rag- but I've heard whispers of this before. On the by and by its like a Ghost town at the hotel right now- well kind of. We have a lot European travelers but ordinarily we're chalk full of wall street guys. Not these days.
Its scary and getting scarier.
So what're you guys doing for halloween?